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Re: NO-USER-MODIFICATION and USAGE dSAOperation in custom schema

Howard Chu wrote:
> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Why is it not allowed to use
>>    USAGE dSAOperation
>> in an attribute type declaration?
> Because such an operational attribute requires server-side code to
> actually implement it, and you haven't got any means to provide that
> code. Custom operational attributes must be defined using code loaded in
> a module.
>> For OATH-LDAP I'd like to define a "virtual" attribute (actually to be
>> processed by back-sock listener) without having to write a slapd overlay.
This *is* the server-side code!

It somewhat defeats the idea of back-sock or similar if I still have to
implement an overlay to simply define appropriate schema (in my case for

IMO it does not any harm to allow .schema files to contain such an
attribute type description.

Ciao, Michael.

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