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Re: Large scale traffic testing

Tim wrote:
> I've, so far, been making use of home grown python-ldap3 scripts to
> simulate the various kinds of interactions using many parallel synchronous
> requests - but as I scale this up, I'm increasingly aware that it is a very
> different ask to simulate simple synchronous interactions compared to a
> fully optimised multithreaded client with dedicated async/sync channels and
> associated strategies.

Most clients will just send those synchronous requests. So IMHO this is the right test
pattern and you should simply make your test client multi-threaded.

> I'm currently working with a dataset of in the region of 2,500,000 objects
> and looking to test throughput up to somewhere in the region of 15k/s
> searches alongside 1k/s modification/addition events - which is beyond what
> the current basic scripts are able to achieve.

Note that the ldap3 module for Python is written in pure Python - also the ASN.1
encoding/decoding stuff. In opposite to that the old Python 2.x https://python-ldap.org
module is a C wrapper module around the OpenLDAP libs and therefore you might get a
better client performance. Nevertheless you should spread your test clients over several
machines to really achieve the needed performance.

Ciao, Michael.

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