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Re: Large scale traffic testing

--On Sunday, September 03, 2017 8:48 PM +0100 Tim <tim@yetanother.net> wrote:

I'm currently working with a dataset of in the region of 2,500,000
objects and looking to test throughput up to somewhere in the region of
15k/s searches alongside 1k/s modification/addition events - which is
beyond what the current basic scripts are able to achieve.

Those are all miniscule numbers to achieve with such a tiny dataset, assuming you're using LMDB and have reasonable hardware.

So I was wondering what strategies other people have used to stress test
platforms elsewhere?

The best stress testing software for OpenLDAP is something that is distributed, such as slamd or jmeter. Anything else will hit artificial limits. You may be interested in seeing already generalized published benchmarks, such as:


I also did some (read rate) benchmarks of OpenLDAP quite some years ago, on fairly weak commodity hardware:


Here are also single-threaded write rate tests I did for Zimbra:


Generally, you'll hit system limitations (disk write speed, network bandwidth) before you max out what OpenLDAP can actually do.

Hope that helps.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: