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Re: invalid structural object class chain (account/krbPrincipal)

On 05/13/2017 07:00 AM, Michael Ströder wrote:
Prentice Bisbal wrote:
objectClass: account
objectClass: krbPrincipal
structuralObjectClass: account

I have googled my error and found many discussions for 'invalid structural object
chain' on this list, but none of them seem to apply to this case.
That's what AUXILIARY object class 'krbPrincipalAux' is for.

If it's not present in your current schema you should grab a more recent
version of the MIT Kerberos LDAP schema.


Thanks. That's exactly the answer I was looking for. I do have krbPrincipalAux in my kerberos schema, but raises another questions about which schema(s) to use, which I'll raise here as a separate post, since that's a new topic of discussion, and goes beyond just this one specific schema issue.
