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Re: [LMDB] getting MDB_CORRUPTED when deleting within a DUPSORT database

On 3/21/17 2:01 PM, Klaus Malorny wrote:
On 3/20/17 3:32 PM, Howard Chu wrote:
Klaus Malorny wrote:

I am using version 0.9.20 on Linux (Ubuntu derivates, uname see [1], [2]).

Version 0.9.20 was never officially released. The release was withdrawn due to a corruption bug. I suggest you downgrade to 0.9.19.


after hitting a known problem with 0.9.18, I went to the Git repository to fetch the latest release I found there -- this is why I took 0.9.20.

I have repeated my test with 0.9.19, but unfortunately, the very same error occurred...

I am going to try to write a small C program to see whether I can reproduce the behaviour.




I am now able to reproduce the problem with a sample program. I guess that the problem is somewhat deeper and not necessarily directly related to mdb_cursor_del as it seems to depend on the order the data is inserted into the database. If I do this in a pre-ordered way, the problem does not occur, but if I shuffle the data, it does. I also tried a smaller number of records, but then the problem disappears also.

I have attached the test program to this e-mail. I hope it does not get filtered out.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "lmdb.h"

static const char *fileName = "test.lmdb";
static const char *dbName = "test";
static long size = 1500000000;
static int recordCount = 33000000;
static int majorIdCount = 6000;
static int minorIdCount = 1000000;
static unsigned int seed = 1;
static long *majorIds;

typedef struct
  long majorId;
  long minorId;
} KeyType;

typedef struct
  long refId;
} DataType;

typedef struct
  KeyType key;
  DataType data;
} KeyDataType;

void check (const char *op, int error)
  if (error != 0)
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: unexpected error %d: %s\n", op, 
      error, mdb_strerror (error));
    exit (1);

void shuffle (void *data, int recordSize, int recordCount)
  char *ptr = (char *) data;
  char *swapBuf = malloc (recordSize);
  for (int i = recordCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
    int j = (int) (random () % (recordCount - i));
    if (j > 0)
      char *ptr1 = ptr + i * recordSize;
      char *ptr2 = ptr + (i + j) * recordSize;
      memcpy (swapBuf, ptr1, recordSize);
      memcpy (ptr1, ptr2, recordSize);
      memcpy (ptr2, swapBuf, recordSize);
  free (swapBuf);

void fill (MDB_env *env, MDB_dbi dbi)
  KeyType key;
  DataType data;
  MDB_val keyRef;
  MDB_val dataRef;
  MDB_txn *txn;

  long majorId;
  long minorId;
  printf ("generating data\n");

  srandom (seed);
  majorIds = (long *) malloc (majorIdCount * sizeof (long));
  if (!majorIds)
    fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
    exit (1);
  for (int i = 0; i < majorIdCount; i++)
    majorIds[i] = i;
  // now shuffle (for later deletion test)
  shuffle ((void *) majorIds, sizeof (long), majorIdCount);
  KeyDataType *records = malloc (sizeof (KeyDataType) * recordCount);
  KeyDataType *ptr = records;
  int remaining = recordCount;
  long refId = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < minorIdCount; i++)
    long majorId = random () % majorIdCount; 
    long minorId = i;
    int max = remaining / (minorIdCount -i + 1);
    int use;
    if (i == minorIdCount - 1 || max < 2)
      use = max;
    } else
      long rand1 = random () % max;
      long rand2 = random () % max;
      use = (int) ((rand1 * rand2 / (max - 1))) + 1;  // non-linear distribution
//    printf ("%d %d %d\n", i, max, use);
    while (use-- > 0)
      ptr -> key.majorId = majorId;
      ptr -> key.minorId = minorId;
      ptr -> data.refId = ++refId;
  shuffle ((void *) records, sizeof (KeyDataType), recordCount);
  printf ("writing data\n");

  check ("txn_begin", mdb_txn_begin (env, NULL, 0, &txn));
  ptr = records;

  for (int i = recordCount; i > 0; i--)
    key.majorId = htobe64 (ptr -> key.majorId);
    key.minorId = htobe64 (ptr -> key.minorId);
    data.refId = htobe64 (ptr -> data.refId);
    keyRef.mv_size = sizeof (key);
    keyRef.mv_data = (void *) &key;
    dataRef.mv_size = sizeof (data);
    dataRef.mv_data = (void *) &data;
    check ("mdb_put", mdb_put (txn, dbi, &keyRef, &dataRef, 0));
  check ("txn_commit", mdb_txn_commit (txn));

  printf ("%d records written\n", recordCount);

void deleteRange (MDB_env *env, MDB_dbi dbi, MDB_txn *txn, 
  KeyType *startKey, KeyType *endKey, int endIsInclusive)
  MDB_cursor *cursor;
  MDB_val curKeyRef;
  MDB_val endKeyRef;
  MDB_val curDataRef;
  check ("cursor_open", mdb_cursor_open (txn, dbi, &cursor));

  curKeyRef.mv_size = sizeof (KeyType);
  curKeyRef.mv_data = (void *) startKey;
  endKeyRef.mv_size = sizeof (KeyType);
  endKeyRef.mv_data = (void *) endKey;
  curDataRef.mv_size = 0;
  curDataRef.mv_data = NULL;

  int error = mdb_cursor_get (cursor, &curKeyRef, &curDataRef, MDB_SET_RANGE);
  while (error != MDB_NOTFOUND)
    check ("mdb_cursor_get", error);
    int compResult = mdb_cmp (txn, dbi, &curKeyRef, &endKeyRef);

    if (compResult > 0 || !compResult && !endIsInclusive)
    check ("mdb_cursor_del", mdb_cursor_del (cursor, MDB_NODUPDATA));
    error = mdb_cursor_get (cursor, &curKeyRef, &curDataRef, MDB_NEXT);
  mdb_cursor_close (cursor);

void testDelete (MDB_env *env, MDB_dbi dbi)
  MDB_txn *txn;
  KeyType startKey;
  KeyType endKey;
  printf ("testing\n");
  check ("txn_begin", mdb_txn_begin (env, NULL, 0, &txn));

  long majorId;
  for (int i = 0; i < majorIdCount; i++)
    majorId = majorIds[i];
    startKey.majorId = htobe64 (majorId);
    startKey.minorId = htobe64 (1);
    endKey.majorId = htobe64 (majorId);
    endKey.minorId = htobe64 ((long) (~0UL >> 1));
    deleteRange (env, dbi, txn, &startKey, &endKey, 1);
  check ("txn_commit", mdb_txn_commit (txn));

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  MDB_env *env;
  MDB_dbi dbi;
  MDB_txn *txn;
  printf ("LMDB version: %s\n", MDB_VERSION_STRING);
  unlink (fileName);
  check ("env_create", mdb_env_create (&env));
  check ("env_set_mapsize", mdb_env_set_mapsize (env, size));
  check ("env_set_maxdbs", mdb_env_set_maxdbs (env, 2));
  check ("env_open", mdb_env_open (env, fileName, 
  check ("txn_begin", mdb_txn_begin (env, NULL, 0, &txn));
  check ("dbi_open", mdb_dbi_open (txn, dbName, 

  check ("txn_commit", mdb_txn_commit (txn));
  fill (env, dbi);
  testDelete (env, dbi);
  mdb_env_close (env);
  printf ("done.\n");