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Re: slapd-meta with olc

--On Thursday, January 12, 2017 4:23 PM +0000 Martin Stejskal <mstejskal@alps.cz> wrote:

Hi Quannah,

 thanks for support. Now I understand little bit more ldif syntax/rules.
Yes, the source code is option as well, but I tried to avoid it :)

I know there is slapd.conf to cn=config converter, but unfortunately I
was not able to make it work (errors during conversion).

I would note that slaptest will report errors during conversion sometime and then note that they should be ignored, since the configuration isn't actually being used against a running slapd. Since you provide no details about the errors encountered, it's impossible to determine if it was a valid error or simply a note about the difference between the conversion process and an active slapd. You could of course take the configurations from test035 and test036 to trivially come up with working configurations to be converted to cn=config as a starting point. :)



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: