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Re: "LDAP ease modify restrictions" support

Radovan Semancik wrote:
> On 02/20/2016 04:17 PM, Michael Ströder wrote:
>> The control's OID is listed in my OpenLDAP 2.4.44 instance. 
> Thanks. I'll try that once I find Ubuntu packages of recent OpenLDAP version ...
> that'll take a bit of time :-)
>> BTW: I'd always recommend to fix the client instead of using this control.
> Actually, that's not really a practical advice.
> LDAP does not have ACID consistency. Adding a value that is already added may
> happen even if everything operates correctly and there is no bug in the client
> code.
> E.g. imagine that two clients adds user to the same group.

What's the rationale for doing that?

> If the control is not
> present, one of the operations fails even if there is actually no logical error
> at all. Reading a value, filtering out the values and writing it again provides
> no guarantees, as the value might be changed in the meantime. Yes, the clients
> may have special handling for this error and evaluate the case and re-try the
> operation. In a way similar to handling of optimistic lock conditions. But that
> is at least one extra round-trip. Usually two. And this significantly
> complicates the client code as the operation may add a couple of values and
> remove other values. It is possible to write a correct code to handle that (we
> have done that in midPoint), but it is not easy to develop and (especially) test
> it. It is not something that one would expect from an ordinary LDAP client, is it?

Sorry, I suspect that such a client would do things wrong.
Bear in mind that maintaining group entries has a serious security impact!

Many years ago with brand new W2K there was a bug in MMC where the MMC client
always replaced all values with a "new" set of values. That re-added group
membership which was removed by another client instance before.

Therefore my web2ldap does two things:

1. Maintaining group membership is a separate use-case explicitly
adding/removing distinct attribute values.

2. Modifying an entry provokes detecting write conflicts by
- adding/removing distinct attribute values even when "replacing" values (and
looking at subschema for determining whether attribute type has EQUALITY
matching rule or not)
- using special re-read filter and modify request with Assertion Control

BTW: Even when using the permissive modify control you would have to read the
old entry for removing attribute values.

Ciao, Michael.

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