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Re: Migrate from openldap 2.2 to 2.4 issue

Le 30/10/2015 09:36, Michael Ströder a écrit :
DEVARIEUX Alain wrote:
# Running slapadd with a 'cleaned' version of my old slapd.conf
slapadd -f /tpm/oldserver/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d/ -c -u -o
schema-check=yes -l /root/myslapcat.ldif

You invoked this command as user root?

Yes, but I then changed the ownership to user ldap group ldap.

Oct 29 16:02:57 ldap01-qualif slapd[12351]: bdb(dc=mydomain,dc=fr): BDB0060
PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
Oct 29 16:02:57 ldap01-qualif slapd[12351]: bdb(dc=mydomain,dc=fr): BDB0060
PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
Oct 29 16:02:57 ldap01-qualif slapd[12351]: bdb(dc=mydomain,dc=fr): BDB0060
PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
Oct 29 16:02:57 ldap01-qualif slapd[12351]: bdb(dc=mydomain,dc=fr): BDB0060
PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery

Check ownership/permissions of the database files.

Ownsership and permsissions are all OK.
I compared a good server with this one and the file olcDatabase={1}bdb.ldif have lines which seems to be responsible for the error.

here is the bad content, I really don't know how it as arrived here :

dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
objectClass: olcBdbConfig
olcDatabase: {1}bdb
olcSuffix: dc=mydomain,dc=fr
olcAddContentAcl: FALSE
olcLastMod: TRUE
olcMaxDerefDepth: 15
olcReadOnly: FALSE
olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=mydomain,dc=fr
olcSyncUseSubentry: FALSE
olcMonitoring: TRUE
olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap
olcDbCacheSize: 1000
olcDbConfig: {0}# $OpenLDAP$
olcDbConfig: {1}# Example DB_CONFIG file for use with slapd(8) BDB/HDB databas
 es.                 <========= this is a new line
olcDbConfig: {2}#
olcDbConfig: {3}# See the Oracle Berkeley DB documentation
olcDbConfig: {4}# <http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-d
 b/db/ref/env/db_config.html> <============== this is a new line
olcDbConfig: {5}# for detail description of DB_CONFIG syntax and semantics.
olcDbConfig: {6}#
olcDbConfig: {7}# Hints can also be found in the OpenLDAP Software FAQ
olcDbConfig:: ezh9Iwk8aHR0cDovL3d3dy5vcGVubGRhcC5vcmcvZmFxL2luZGV4LmNnaT9maWxl
 PTI+        <========= This a new line
olcDbConfig: {9}# in particular:
olcDbConfig: {10}#   <http://www.openldap.org/faq/index.cgi?file=1075>
olcDbConfig: {11}
olcDbConfig: {12}# Note: most DB_CONFIG settings will take effect only upon re
 building    <============= this is a new line
olcDbConfig: {13}# the DB environment.
olcDbConfig: {14}
olcDbConfig: {15}# one 0.25 GB cache
olcDbConfig: {16}set_cachesize 0 268435456 1
olcDbConfig: {17}
olcDbConfig: {18}# Data Directory
olcDbConfig: {19}#set_data_dir db
olcDbConfig: {20}
olcDbConfig: {21}# Transaction Log settings
olcDbConfig: {22}set_lg_regionmax 262144
olcDbConfig: {23}set_lg_bsize 2097152
olcDbConfig: {24}#set_lg_dir logs
olcDbConfig: {25}
olcDbConfig: {26}# Note: special DB_CONFIG flags are no longer needed for "qui
 ck"                      <============ new line
olcDbConfig:: ezI3fSMgc2xhcGFkZCg4KSBvciBzbGFwaW5kZXgoOCkgYWNjZXNzIChzZWUgdGhl
 aXIgLXEgb3B0aW9uKS4g    <============ New Line
olcDbNoSync: FALSE
olcDbDirtyRead: FALSE
olcDbIDLcacheSize: 0
olcDbLinearIndex: FALSE
olcDbMode: 0600
olcDbSearchStack: 16
olcDbShmKey: 0
olcDbCacheFree: 1
olcDbDNcacheSize: 0
structuralObjectClass: olcBdbConfig
entryUUID: a8d3783e-1299-1035-85e6-718a04e8aa45
creatorsName: cn=config
createTimestamp: 20151029150121Z
entryCSN: 20151029150121.235155Z#000000#000#000000
modifiersName: cn=config
modifyTimestamp: 20151029150121Z

I think my slaptest -f myoldconfigfile.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d/ is doing that.
I have to run some test to know when this happens exactly.

Would you know how this behaviour can happens?


Ciao, Michael.

Alain Devarieux
Pôle Infrastructures
Tel 02 99 54 76 94
www.sib.fr - standard: 02 99 54 75 10