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Re: How can I solve "OpenLdap additional info:objectClass value#0 invalid per syntax" Error?

Am Fri, 21 Aug 2015 11:51:48 +0000 (UTC)
schrieb Jason Long <hack3rcon@yahoo.com>:

> Hello.
> I used below URL for configure my OpenLdap on CentOS 7 but when I
> want to add a user I got an error " OpenLdap additional
> info:objectClass value#0 invalid per syntax" How can I solve it?
> http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/viewpoint/hpc/Content/topics/1-setup/installSetup/settingUpOpenLDAPOnCentos6.htm#addOU

check whether the objectClass value has a trailing space.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
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