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MODRDN with same RDN and delold: 0 and slapo-constraint


When bulk-renaming entries in web2ldap I do *not* alter the RDN of the entry
but also send delold: 0 in the MODRDN operation. IMO this is most minimal
invasive approach.

This works ok in most setups.

But in a more strict setup (release 2.4.41) with slapo-constraint and
constraints on the RDN's characteristic attribute those MODRDN requests
trigger a constraint and fails with 'Constraint violation' although the RDN
value is not changed. I can't tell whether this was different with older
OpenLDAP releases.

Even more strange: It works with delold: 1.

So I could easily alter web2ldap's behaviour to send delold: 1. But I'm not
sure whether that's the right general approach especially when thinking about
all the other LDAP servers out there.

So the question is: Is this an overzealous misbehaviour of slapo-constraint
and should it be fixed therein?

Ciao, Michael.

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