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Re: can't chang ldap user passwd by self

On 04/12/15 22:56 +0800, feora wrote:
I found log in ldap.log file

Apr 12 14:20:54 abc slapd[3136]: => access_allowed: auth access to "uid=bobliu,ou=it,dc=abc,dc=com" "userPassword" requested Apr 12 14:20:54 abc slapd[3136]: => slap_access_allowed: backend default auth access granted to "(anonymous)" Apr 12 14:20:54 abc slapd[3136]: => access_allowed: auth access granted by read(=rscxd) Apr 12 14:20:54 abc slapd[3136]: => access_allowed: backend default write access denied to "uid=bobliu,ou=it,dc=abc,dc=com"

why access granted to anoymous not  bobliu.

On 04/12/2015 10:05 PM, feora wrote:
 hi, Dan
      thanks for u answer.
   I still a little confused about it.
  I run the following command
/opt/openldap/bin/ldappasswd -x -D "uid=bobliu,ou=it,dc=abc,dc=com" -W -S
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Enter LDAP Password:
Result: Insufficient access (50)

   when I run ldapsearch is ok.

userPassword:: <removed>

Be aware that your ssha password hash is know publicly known.

The above would indicate that you *are* successfully authenticating, since
the userPassword attribute was returned. That's assuming that your ACL
config below is accurate.

On 04/02/2015 01:40 AM, Dan White wrote:
On 03/31/15 17:47 +0800, rockwang wrote:
access to attrs=userPassword
by self write
by anonymous auth
by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=abc,dc=com"
by *  none

This config block has been through the wringer, but verify user
userPassword ACL config. Something's up. Run slaptest on your config to
verify and verify it's formatted properly.

access to *
            by self write
            by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=abc,dc=com"
            by * read
            by * none

Dan White