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- To: "openldap-technical@openldap.org" <openldap-technical@openldap.org>
- From: Brendan Kearney <bpk678@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 12:10:17 -0500
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=message-id:subject:from:to:date:content-type:mime-version :content-transfer-encoding; bh=j2kScE5X4pTTcmfCO5GHe3142C6FiAcTuZu4wagAJ6c=; b=p6Q140lx7R29wgpKUpAMbIiIKEdKVWMBqhzLPEeFcEY4MC++fWBFg6Y54ojUNCN3uy q+/v/v6m7H9LngFroNmqwDd9aPtcg/7r8Jy1O9dPTuWhcCEBy2s1R6T3w03dvTlAsZsV yM3L4M0BVcRvs6+Fu7XQgx/NFIAb32oNevEfU5VTjqgpIGUNtQfNwnbz+aOaPaoIGEQ4 HQVBetmO/cQzgav5Lieu6nd7fx17+NEGznds4ev/L4sDHg3xeqCxHAXpWVSkf24KxsO5 llzr2+WyCx+iWfASsFrhxxKGln91BoYJJNgUj7ZiPIcpKGizpWWQyXLIwepgkmasTqRZ NtJQ==
i am in the process of updating all of my systems to fedora 20 from
fedora 16, and am using all the latest available builds for openldap,
cyrus-sasl and mit kerberos. i have put everything together as i had on
fedora 16, and i am finding that the sasl instance is using
sasl/gss-spnego, and not sasl/gssapi like it did on the older version.
i am not sure if i should be concerned about this, but it feels like i
should be. i am not able to find anything that allow me to configure
things one way or another, so i can force the use of gssapi from
configs, it seems.
can anyone point me in a direction about this, tell me if i should be
concerned, or if you might have come across this before what i should be
doing that i am not?
thank you,