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openldap group issue on centos 5.5 - all users automatically get put into newly created group


I created a dit on a Centos 6.5 box that looks something like this:

         |                     |                                 |
         |                     |                                 |
    ou=users      ou=systems...........         ou=policies
    |                         |                   |               |
    |                         |                   |               |
    user1         cn=group1   cn=group2       cn=ppolicy
    user2          |                     |
    user3          |                     |
                       |                     |
                   user1                user2
                   user2                user3

I created my users, and I added sever "linux groups" using the ldif file:

dn: cn=dev,ou=systems,dc=ehs,dc=edu
cn: dev
gidNumber: 4005
objectClass: posixGroup

My goal was to simulate an entry that you'd find in the /etc/group file
on a linux system.  So if I added people to this group using the ldif

dn: cn=dev,ou=systems,dc=ehs,dc=edu
changetype: modify
add: memberuid
memberuid: user1
memberuid: user2

So while user1 and user2 are in the default group "users", I wanted them to be able to change the group on their files to "dev" in order to protect their development

Now, this seemed to work, and when I went on my client and did a command "groups user1",
I saw "users" and "dev"

However yesterday I added another group called "team0" with gid 22222 using the following ldif

dn: cn=team0,ou=systems,dc=ehs,dc=edu
cn: team0
gidNumber: 22222
objectClass: posixGroup

When I was logged into my client machine (Centos 5.5 box) and did a groups on an old user, it showed "users", "dev" and now "team0" although I never added that user to the new

I cleaned the client cache using the nscd -i invalidate=group command, and then I removed all the cached directories in /var/db/nscd, and rebooted, but that new group seems to have been
applied to everyone.

I might have screwed up the creation of my DIT, but I was thinking that things were working ok since I could added "unix groups" that are visible with the "getent group" command on a client, I could add users into these groups and changed the group of files to lock out some users, but
I don't understand this behavior now.

I have about 6 groups defined and the last one I created yesterday is the only one that seems to
get applied to all users.

I'd appreciate any help you could give.... I'm scratching my head on this one.
