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Re: memberof in openldap

Brad Hartlove wrote:
> I have been trying to include the memberOf attribute in a new objectClass.
> If I just set it to "MAY" (for example), it complains about using an
> operational attribute in my definition.  I have seen quite a few Q&As about
> this, but I am really trying to understand where this issue is
> originating.  Maybe I haven't looked at the right one yet.    OpenDJ has
> the ability to utilize it in custom classes, so I was hoping to be able to
> also do the same in OpenLDAP.  Thoughts?

I think there's a lot of confusion about this attribute:

1. 'memberOf' appeared first in MS AD where it's a simple back-link to group
entries the entry is *direct* member of. In AD's schema it's not marked as
operational attribute like all other operational attributes in AD. ;-)

2. OpenLDAP's slapo-memberof implements exactly the same behaviour like MS AD
but the attribute type description correctly marks it with dSAOperation.

3. SunDS, OpenDJ, 389-DS implement the same semantics but IIRC they use the
attribute 'isMemberOf'.

4. FreeIPA is abusing attribute 'memberOf' - with same OID like in MS AD
(yuck!) - as normal user attribute to describe (server) group membership. For
various reasons this sucks but anyway...

=> I'd recommend to define your own custom attribute with clear semantics and
not re-use 'memberOf' in your custom object class.

Or is there any reason why you insist to step into this trap?

Ciao, Michael.

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