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rwm-rewriteMap for bindDN and slapo-ppolicy


I'm trying to use slapo-rwm to simplify bind-DNs used. I'm also using
slapo-lastbind to record the last simple bind timestamp and slapo-ppolicy also
for recording pwdFailureTime.

Using latest RE24 of course.

Something like this defined *within* the database section:

---------------------- snip ----------------------
overlay accesslog

rwm-rewriteMap slapd uid2dn "ldap:///o=example?entryDN?sub?";
rwm-rewriteContext bindDN
rwm-rewriteRule "^(uid=[^,]+),o=example$" "${uid2dn($1)}" ":@I"

overlay lastbind

overlay ppolicy
ppolicy_default cn=ppolicy-default,cn=ampua,ou=ampua

slapo-lastbind correctly updates the attribute 'authTimestamp' in the entry
referenced by the rewritten bind-DN.

slapo-ppolicy does *not* correctly update the attribute 'pwdFailureTime' in
the entry referenced by the rewritten bind-DN.
---------------------- snip ----------------------

Any idea what's going on?

BTW: Using the rwm-rewriteMap in a MMR setup causes seg faults in a running
provider slapd when bringing up another empty provider. Have to examine that
further though.

Ciao, Michael.

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