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Re: LMDB as separate library

--On Friday, January 24, 2014 9:26 AM +0100 Jan StanÄk <jstanek@redhat.com> wrote:


I'm trying to package LMDB for Fedora as possible system-wide
replacement for Oracle's BerkeleyDB. The main trouble is that in current
state the LMDB builds an unversioned liblmdb.so, although having a
option to link the binaries dynamically without patching the Makefile
would be also nice.

I want to ask, are there any intentions to release the LMDB as separable
library (with versioned soname, etc.)?

Gitorius is the location for LMDB as a standalone library:


I'd suggest filing an ITS for library versioning.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Architect - Server
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration