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Re: High load times with mdb

--On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 04:19:27 AM -0700 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:

Bill MacAllister wrote:
--On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 03:10:17 PM -0700 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:
Probably bad default FS settings, and changed from your previous OS revision.

Also, you should watch vmstat while it runs to get a better idea of
how much time the system is spending in I/O wait.

I have just re-mkfs'ed the new, slow system to make it look like the
old, fast system.  Just to make sure nothing else changed I have
started a load on the older system.  Things look fine.

I meant mount options, mkfs should have very little impact.

ext3 journaling is pretty awful. For ext4 you probably want
data=writeback mode, and you probably should compare the commit=
value, which defaults to 5 seconds and also barrier; I believe the
barrier default changed between kernel revisions.

I started with mkfs because I wanted to see if I could make things
better by putting the ext4 journal file on a different disk than
the database.  With the default on Debian of data=ordered the load
time was awful even with the journal on a separate disk.  I killed
it after about 20 minutes when the eta topped two hours and was

My next attempt was to do away with journaling altogether and create
the database on an ext2 file system.  Not surprisingly the load time
was great, just a bit over 21 minutes.  This is the bench mark that
I used, i.e. the best that I can expect.

I tried a load on an ext4 system with options 'rw,noatime, user_xattr,
barrier=1, data=writeback' and got a load time of 01h40m06s.  This is
the best time I have gotten so far loading on ext4.

I ended up writing a script that creates an ext2 file systems, loads
the backend, umounts the partition, converts it to ext4 journaling,
and then mounts the partition again.  This will allow me to continue
with the server rebuilds, but it is a pretty ugly hack.



Bill MacAllister
Infrastructure Delivery Group, Stanford University