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Re: Sycrepl cookie question

--On Tuesday, September 01, 2009 3:40 PM -0500 Robert Hanson <Robert.Hanson@calabrio.com> wrote:

(2.4.17; linux, bdb 4.5 backend; two nodes in a multi-master

When I start up a slapd server, it reads the contextCSN from the
database.  There are some synchronization issues I'm dealing with (see
the email I sent yesterday to this group).  The question of the day is,
what are the implications if I delete this from the database before I
start up?  That is:

Assume that in a 2-node multi-master scenario, both sides are completely
in sync.  One of the nodes goes down; assume that the remaining node gets
some updates.  The down node comes back up.  If the down node does not
have this synchronization cookie, will it still sync correctly with the
other node?

It's supposed to. That's the point of syncrepl -- The ability to pull down changes if one goes down for a time.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration