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ldapmodify is modifying my code


I've been able to replace nis.schema with rfc2307bis.schema so that I
can have groups with both member and memberUID attributes.

when I try using ldapmodify to add members to the group such as:

echo "dn: cn=newgrou1,ou=Groups,dc=moores,dc=ca changetype: modify add:
memberUid memberUid: newuser1 replace: member member:
uid=newuser1,ou=People,dc=moores,dc=ca" | /usr/bin/ldapmodify -v -y
/etc/ldap.secret -D cn=admin,dc=moores,dc=ca -xH ldap://localhost

it returns the following error message:

ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:389/??base )
modifying entry "cn=newgrou1,ou=Groups,dc=moores,dc=ca changetype:
modify add: memberUid memberUid: newuser1 replace: member member:
ldap_modify: No such object (32)
	matched DN: ou=People,dc=moores,dc=ca

The group and the user both exist.
What is most interesting is that ldapmodify appears to modify my request
because slapd itself gives this message:

hdb_referrals: tag=102 target="cn=newgrou1,ou=Groups,dc=moores,dc=ca
changetype: modify add: memberUid memberUid: newuser1 replace: member
member: uid\3Dnewuser1,ou=People,dc=moores,dc=ca"
bdb_dn2entry("cn=newgrou1,ou=groups,dc=moores,dc=ca changetype: modify
add: memberuid memberuid: newuser1 replace: member member:
=> hdb_dn2id("dc=ca changetype: modify add: memberuid memberuid:
newuser1 replace: member member: uid\3Dnewuser1,ou=people,dc=moores,dc=ca")
<= hdb_dn2id: get failed: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found

notice that the "uid=newuser" part of my request has been changed to
"uid\3Dnewuser". I've tried a number of different combinations and it
appears to me that the first '=' is always replace with \3D and then the
silly thing tries to look up that element, and low and behold it does
not exist.

If I can make this work, then I think I will have group permissions for
unix groups working on LDAP.

Does anybody have any idea why ldapmodify would be doing this??????