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Re: LDAP replication when NTP server sets the time ahead

Michael Ströder wrote:

I think Dieter was referring to a setting you can adjust in some Linux distributions. You can either let the hardware clock run as UTC or local time. This can avoid messing up the time setting of another OS which might be started alternatively from another partition and assumes the hardware clock runs in the local timezone.

That would only affect you if you reboot or otherwise switch OSes on the machine. At shutdown, the system clock would get written to the hardware clock, so that information could be used on restart. Otherwise, you might have a long re-sync time on boot.

But the whole hardware clock/system clock thing isn't going to do you any good outside of the context of rebooting or switching OSes.

Brad Knowles <b.knowles@its.utexas.edu>
Sr. System Administrator, UT Austin ITS-Unix
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