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Server 2.3.4 & back-sql (+ back.c dif) cannot modify database


I successfully built the server using the diff provided earlier by Hallvard (thanks!) and I can now read from the database via LDAP, however I cannot modify entries or attributes.

In trace mode, I see the following:

backsql_modify(): modifying entry "cn=Torvlobnor Puzdoy,dc=example,dc=com" (id=3)
<= acl_access_allowed: granted to database root
==>backsql_modify_internal(): traversing modifications list
backsql_modify_internal(): modifying attribute "cn" (replace) according to mappings for objectClass "inetOrgPerson"
backsql_modify_internal(): replacing values for attribute "cn"
backsql_modify_internal(): add procedure is not defined for attribute "cn" - unable to perform replacements
backsql_modify_internal(): modifying attribute "entryCSN" (replace) according to mappings for objectClass "inetOrgPerson"
backsql_modify_internal(): modifying attribute "modifiersName" (replace) according to mappings for objectClass "inetOrgPerson"
backsql_modify_internal(): modifying attribute "modifyTimestamp" (replace) according to mappings for objectClass "inetOrgPerson"

The "add procedure is not defined for attribute "cn" - unable to perform replacements" line seems to be the problem.

Is there an additional 'insentry_stmt' type paramter that I would need in slapd.conf?

Thanks kindly,
