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Re: Question about v2.2.2beta dn checking

>>>>> "quanah" == Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@stanford.edu> writes:

quanah> --On Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:38 PM -0400 Allan E Johannesen
quanah> <aej@WPI.EDU> wrote:

>> I was trying to feed a slapcat of 2.1.23 into slapadd of 2.2.2beta and the
>> first entry gives an error:
>> slapadd: line 16: database (dc=wpi,dc=edu) not configured to hold
>> "dc=WPI,dc=EDU"

quanah> Look at the casing in the above error.  dc=wpi,dc=edu (from slapd.conf)
quanah> does not match dc=WPI,dc=EDU

Thanks.  When I made the suffix in the slapd.conf match, it did load just fine.
I guess I never thought that case would matter.

Looking at the dc attribute:

attributetype ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25
        NAME ( 'dc' 'domainComponent' )
        DESC 'RFC1274/2247: domain component'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch

Therefore, new rule is that DN's obey case, even though the attribute in
question claims to ignore case.  The stuff in a DN isn't attributes, but I
mistakenly thought of them as attributes.

I had a sasl-regexp in slapd.conf for GSSAPI recognition and that had to match
case in order to work, too.  Now that you pointed out my error above, I didn't
have to embarass myself again by asking why that didn't work.