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"add" and "replace" at the same time?


I'm trying to synchronize Data between Active Directory and OpenLDAP (except
I read the changes made in Active Directory with ldapsearch and I want put
the resulting LDIF-Information into OpenLDAP, by using ldapmodify.
Now I have the problem, that I can either use "ldapmodify -a" to add new
Entries, or "ldapmodify -r" to replace existing Entries, but not both at the
same time. 

Is there a way I can import an LDIF-File into OpenLDAP, so that the existing
Entries are overwritten (without deleting Attributes that are not in the
LDIF-File) and not-existing Entries are added to OpenLDAP?

What may be the best way to do this?

thanks in advance, 
