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RE: 2.1.17 performance issues

> Not only is it dangerous, but since it is UNDOCUMENTED which DB_CONFIG
> statements override slapd configuration options, it is bound to happen
> that someone is going to use checkpoint in their slapd.conf file and
> also have it in their DB_CONFIG file.  The dbnosync option is going to
> cause a similar problem.  It will be commented out in either slapd.conf
> or DB_CONFIG but not both and someone is going to think it's off when
> they don't remember to check both places and get a rude surprise.

No Berkeley config options "override" slapd config options.  BDB is a
completely separate entity -- imagine you were using back-sql -- you
wouldn't expect slapd to have anything to do with your SQL backend, would

Given this paradigm, I imagine that dbnosync has no effect on filesystem
syncing with back-bdb unless BDB has hooks to allow client applications to
request an fsync.  ...Others can confirm that one.

I was originally in line with the train of thought that openldap's
documentation should point users in the right direction and provide them
with sample BDB configurations, but recent conversation has changed my
mind: OpenLDAP has no business messing with BDB configuration.


John Madden
UNIX Systems Engineer
Ivy Tech State College