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Re: I need help in adding data to database

ons, 2002-10-16 kl. 13:02 skrev Glynn S. Condez:

> I am inserting my configs so that you can check it if theres an error.
> Im using ldap version 2.1.3

> My ldif test file
> #Test data
> dn:dc=raisaur,dc=mydomain,dc=com
> objectClass:top
> objectClass:dcObject
> objectClass:organization
> o:raisaur
> dc:raisaur
> description:My Company Corporation Domain

I could be wrong, but all my DSAs and DSEs always work if I keep to the
"upside down tree" rule. A tree must have a root (in the air) and
branches pointing downwards. A leaf has to belong to a twig has to
belong to a branch has to belong to a trunk has to belong to a root.

It's the same with DNS.

Above you have the root, a trunk and a branch.

> dn:o=raisaur
> objectClass:top
> objectClass:organization
> o:raisaur
> description:MyCompany Corporation

Here you have a branch, lopped off. How is ldapadd/slapadd supposed to
know what trunk it belongs to? Why shouldn't it belong to
dc=myorg,dc=org, for example?

> dn:ou=users,o=raisaur
> ou:users
> objectClass:top
> objectClass:organizationalUnit
> description:My Company users

Here you have a twig on the same branch. Same as above.Why shouldn't it
belong to dc=myorg,dc=org?





Tony Earnshaw

"There are many people who can't face the truth ... If you rob a
normal person of life's lies, at the same time you'll be robbing
him of his happiness."

>From Henrik Ibsen's "Vildanden", "The wild Duck."

e-post:		tonni@billy.demon.nl
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