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Schematta and hiearchy for use in EMail Addy books

Could someone point to a refernce on what Object Classes are necessary, and how to use them together for:
- Samba auth
- MicroSo.. OS auth
- Unix auth
- Listing and search via Mozilla Addy Book

Also, is there a reference to the hierarchy for above. For example: does the address bock find names by matching DN? CN? ... Will the name be found if the prefix is:
dc=com, dc=company

and the names are under:

or under:
		several more arbitary levels

Thank you

=       http://www.sun.com/service/sunps/jdc/javacenter.pdf        =
=    www.sun.com | www.javasoft.com | http://wwws.sun.com/sunone   =
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= "Noone wants advice - only corroboration" - John Steinbeck       =
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= "Pawns can become Royalty in Life or in Chess"                   =
= "Life, the only game where Royalty can be a pawn,                =
=        and not even know it"                                     =
= "Chess, the only game where pawns really are pawns"              =