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slapd crashes when an empty attribute is inserted

We have OpenLDAP 2.0.23 on FreeBSD machine.

We have a Master with a reduced number of indexes and several replicas
with more index,
in particular the following one:
index  manager eq

If we try to modify an entry that looks like:

dn: uid=uid1, ou=myorg, o=mycompany
changetype: modify
replace: manager

the master is modified correctly (the above operation is allowed) while
the replica crashes. It seems to crash (debbugging it) when
the ldbm_cache_open is called.

I know that the above ldif should look like (it is also a workaround):
dn: uid=uid1, ou=myorg, o=mycompany
changetype: modify
delete: manager

Do you know if this can be a bug?

Matteo Bonavita