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Re: Ldap stuff


Also, unless you have the LDAP_BASEDN variable set you should issue the command as follows.

ldapsearch -x -h <hostname> -p <port number> -b "dc=markdata, dc=pt" -D "cn=manager" -w <pwd> "(objectclass=*)"

You do this if Manager is defined in the slapd.conf file.   I never qualify the manager dn as you have done as I have defined it in slapd.conf simply as manager.  Hope this works.


Nuno Branco wrote:

[root@mail ldap]# ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Manager, dc=markdata, dc=pt" -w secret "(objectclass=*)"
version: 2

# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 32 No such object

# numResponses: 1

I've tried with -D and without it

Brian Sullivan wrote:

Make sure you have the following includes in your slapd.conf

include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

You need them to obtain the givenname attribute and I see a password but I am not sure who you are binding as.  Did you forget the -D flag for your search?


Nuno Branco wrote:

I have been cracking my head and i found out that the problem with the attributes i couldn't add were in the schemas file.
I still can't do all i want but at least i have somewhere to begin and i already added the 'gn' attribute.

With the search i am not having ny luck.

ldapsearch -x "cn=*, dc=markdata, dc=pt" -w [pass] "(objectclass=*)"

Returns nothing
version: 2

# filter: cn=*, dc=markdata, dc=pt
# requesting: (objectclass=*)

# search result
search: 2
result: 32 No such object

# numResponses: 1

I know i have 4 entries there by now, i have LDAP-Admin and when i make a LIST he shows me the 4 entries... why doesn't ldapsearch find them?
ldapdelete isn't doing what i want either, but i haven't put an effort into it so i won't complain :)

If anyone can help it would be apreciated,

Nuno Branco wrote:

I am "trying" (i think it's the right term :)) to put openLdap working with the LDBM database now. Still i am having problems.

I was able to add some entries to start the DB with this first.ldif:
dn: dc=markdata, dc=pt
dc: markdata
o: MarkData
objectclass: organization
objectclass: dcObject

dn: cn=Manager, dc=markdata, dc=pt
cn: Manager
sn: Manager
objectclass: person

Then i tryed to add a record to the DB and i did, but i wanted to put other stuff that he won't let me.
I cannot insert
And problably other entries that i didn't try.
The only thing he lets me put it is the cn:

Another problem is that i know that the entry is there (he tells me so) but ldapsearch isn't finding anything after...
I think the answer is in front of my nose but i'm trying to do this for so long that i think i'm blind...

Nuno Branco

Markdata - Informação para Gestão, Lda.
R. Padre Luís Aparício, n.º 10 - 3º
1150 - 248 Lisboa

Nuno Branco

Markdata - Informação para Gestão, Lda.
R. Padre Luís Aparício, n.º 10 - 3º
1150 - 248 Lisboa

Nuno Branco

Markdata - Informação para Gestão, Lda.
R. Padre Luís Aparício, n.º 10 - 3º
1150 - 248 Lisboa
