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Re: backup / restore over network

Quoting Kevin McCarthy <openldap@kogz.com>:

> I need to be able to take a snapshot of an LDAP tree using LDAP queries (can 
> not use slapcat, .dbb files, etc.). I must be able to pull the entire contents 
> of a directory to a my local machine over the network, since I have no shell 
> access to the remote server.

Set up a slave on localhost and take that one off line for backups...

http://www.bayour.com/LDAPv3-HOWTO.html#3.5.5.Setting up secure replication|outline

 Turbo     __ _     Debian GNU     Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
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         / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /    Debian Certified Linux Developer  
  _ /// / /__| | | | | |_| |>  <  Turbo Fredriksson   turbo@bayour.com
  \\\/  \____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\         Gothenburg/Sweden