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 Problem with ldapsearch : Invalid DN syntax on WinNT

 Platform : WinNT Server 4.0

got ldap from Anonymous CVS
Set PATH environment variable to CVSROOT

 Sleepycat Berkeley DB db-3.1.17
 Posix regex gnu_regex.exe

I was able to build slapd, ldapsearch and slapdadd.

I then now trying to test, following guidelines

Edited the slap.conf configuration file.
        include   c:/ldap/servers/schema/core.schema
        database  ldbm
        suffix    "dc=example, dc=com"
        rootdn    "cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com"
        rootpw    secret
        directory  c:/openldap-ldbm

What does this mean??
      if your domain contains additional components..
What is the domain?Is it not whaterver we defined in the sladpd.conf file??

Started SLAPD.
     starting slapd...

To check if the server is running and configured correctly, ran a

c:/ldap/Debug/ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts

It disaplys :
version: 2
#filter: '(objectclass=*)'
# requesting: ALL

#search result
search: 2
result: 34 Invalid DN syntax
text: invalid DN

#numResponses: 1

So, I tried to Add initial entries to the directory using ldapadd.

        dn: dc=example, dc=com
        objectclass: dcObject
        objectclass: organization
        o: Example Company
        dc: example

        dn: cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com
        objectclass: organizationalRole
        cn: Manager

 Now, to insert these entries into the directory.
 c:/ldap/Debug>slapadd -l c:/entries.ldif -f
c:/downloads/ldap/servers/ldap/slapd.conf -d -1

ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=example,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)'

It dispalys same error message:
version: 2
#filter: '(objectclass=*)'
# requesting: ALL

#search result
search: 2
result: 34 Invalid DN syntax
text: invalid DN

#numResponses: 1

Can anyone Please help me out???

What am I doing wrong??

Thanks in advance for the help.
