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RE: Database vs Directory Service

I've read the referenced article, and it's quite useful.  Thanks.  But ...

Our (fed gov't) agency is in the throes of a discussion on this topic, and
I'm sure we're not unusual in that we want to add substantially to the
information base that's available currently in a the agency-wide mail
directory system.  But the information in that directory is partially
duplicated and somewhat extended in a RDBMS-based web application.

I think we need to keep both, rendering unto Caesar ... .  That is, retain
the inherent directory information/schema where it is, and also provide a
linkage mechanism to the RDBMS data.  A GUID appears key to doing that
effectively, extending both schema to accommodate that item.  The overall
application would draw on both information sources for end-user interaction,
presenting a unified appearance.

System requirements include protected/authenticated end-user update of some
of the directory information, and maintenance of personal information with a
tabular organization probably best managed by the RDBMS.

I'll appreciate hearing the thoughts/opinions/experiences/recommendations of
anyone with some insights here.  Thanks, people.

Arnold Shore
Annapolis, MD USA

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-openldap-general@OpenLDAP.org
[mailto:owner-openldap-general@OpenLDAP.org]On Behalf Of Norbert Klasen
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 5:20 AM
To: Roos E.W.E.
Cc: openldap-general@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Re: Database vs Directory Service

"Roos E.W.E." wrote:
> What is the difference between a database and a directory service? When
> should I choose for a database and when for a directory service?

see e.g. "LDAP: Use as Directed" by Tim Howes

Norbert Klasen
DFN Directory Services                           tel: +49 7071 29 70335
ZDV, Universität Tübingen                        fax: +49 7071 29 5912
Wächterstr. 76, 72074 Tübingen              http://www.directory.dfn.de
Germany                             norbert.klasen@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de