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Re: commit: ldap/servers/slapd add.c bind.c compare.c connection.c controls.c delete.c limits.c modify.c modrdn.c result.c search.c slap.h starttls.c unbind.c

ando@OpenLDAP.org wrote:

Update of /repo/OpenLDAP/pkg/ldap/servers/slapd

Modified Files:
	add.c  1.202 -> 1.203
	bind.c  1.185 -> 1.186
	compare.c  1.121 -> 1.122
	connection.c  1.286 -> 1.287
	controls.c  1.111 -> 1.112
	delete.c  1.121 -> 1.122
	limits.c  1.60 -> 1.61
	modify.c  1.223 -> 1.224
	modrdn.c  1.141 -> 1.142
	result.c  1.239 -> 1.240
	search.c  1.161 -> 1.162
	slap.h  1.580 -> 1.581
	starttls.c  1.33 -> 1.34
	unbind.c  1.22 -> 1.23

Log Message:
preformat "conn=%lu op=%lu"

Not a big improvement, but a string containing "conn=ID op=ID"
is prepared once at operation initialization and consistently used
in logging, saving two unsigned long formatting per log and, more
interestingly, an arg for the Debug() macro.  I expect this to allow
more compact logs; its consistent use in logs should make log
interpretation easier when running concurrency tests.


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