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One missing network access

Hi folks,

when working on an LDAP client I have come about a very weird problem: the
first network access after ldap_open() IS LOST. If that is ldap_bind(), no
bind request will be send to the LDAP server. Introducing two syslog()
calls will produce the second message beeing syslog´d and the ldap_bind()
comming to the server. The first message, however, is NOT syslog´d.

Has anyone seen that before, or can think of any reason, why that should
happen? I have 'fixed' the problem by introducing one (not logged) syslog
message aften ldap_open(), but before ldap_bind().

My platform: a redheat LINUX derivative, kernel version 2.0.35, gcc and the latest -devel code base.

Any hints are welcome!



X.500:                                              Tel.:
   Kurt Spanier, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung,      +49 7071 29-70334
   Universitaet Tuebingen, DE
SMTP-Mail:                                          FAX.:
   kurt.spanier@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de                   +49 7071 29-5912
   Dr. Kurt Spanier, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung,
   Universitaet Tuebingen, Waechterstrasse 76, D-72074 Tuebingen
   finger "Kurt Spanier"@x500.uni-tuebingen.de
