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(ITS#7351) can not start slapd when enable accesslog relay

Full_Name: ChenShuJun
Version: 2.4.32
OS: RHEL5.5(2.6.18-194.el5)
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

[root@LDAP_LAB_A openldap]# slapd -d 1 
ldap_init: trying /usr/local/openldap-2.4.32/etc/openldap/ldap.conf
ldap_init: using /usr/local/openldap-2.4.32/etc/openldap/ldap.conf
ldap_init: HOME env is /root
ldap_init: trying /root/ldaprc
ldap_init: trying /root/.ldaprc
ldap_init: trying ldaprc
ldap_init: LDAPCONF env is NULL
ldap_init: LDAPRC env is NULL
502475bb @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.32 (Aug  8 2012 14:19:37) $
ldap_pvt_gethostbyname_a: host=LDAP_LAB_A.bgctv.net.cn, r=11
502475bb daemon_init: listen on ldap:///
502475bb daemon_init: 1 listeners to open...
502475bb daemon: listener initialized ldap:///
502475bb daemon_init: 1 listeners opened
502475bb slapd init: initiated server.
502475bb slap_sasl_init: initialized!
502475bb bdb_back_initialize: initialize BDB backend
502475bb bdb_back_initialize: Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)
502475bb hdb_back_initialize: initialize HDB backend
502475bb hdb_back_initialize: Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)
502475bb mdb_back_initialize: initialize MDB backend
502475bb mdb_back_initialize: MDB 0.9.0: ("September 1, 2011")
502475bb ndb_back_initialize: initialize ndb backend
502475bb null_back_initialize: initialize null backend
502475bb perl backend open
502475bb ==> translucent_initialize
502475bb ndb_db_init: Initializing ndb database
502475bb >>> dnPrettyNormal: <dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb <<< dnPrettyNormal: <dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>, <dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb >>> dnPrettyNormal: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb <<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>,
502475bb >>> dnPrettyNormal: <cn=auditlog>
502475bb <<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=auditlog>, <cn=auditlog>
put_filter: "(objectclass=*)"
put_filter: simple
put_simple_filter: "objectclass=*"
ber_scanf fmt (m) ber:
502475bb >>> dnNormalize: <ou=cm,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb <<< dnNormalize: <ou=cm,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb >>> dnNormalize: <userid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb <<< dnNormalize: <uid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb >>> dnNormalize: <userid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb <<< dnNormalize: <uid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bb bdb_db_init: Initializing BDB database
502475bb >>> dnPrettyNormal: <cn=auditlog>
502475bb <<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=auditlog>, <cn=auditlog>
502475bb >>> dnPrettyNormal: <cn=admin,cn=auditlog>
502475bb <<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=admin,cn=auditlog>, <cn=admin,cn=auditlog>
502475bb >>> dnNormalize: <cn=Subschema>
502475bb <<< dnNormalize: <cn=subschema>
502475bb matching_rule_use_init
502475bb     1.2.840.113556.1.4.804 (integerBitOrMatch): 502475bb
matchingRuleUse: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.804 NAME 'integerBitOrMatch' APPLIES (
supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $
olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $
olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $
olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $
olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $
olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $
olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $
olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcDbPort $
olcDbFlag $ olcDbConnections $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $
olcRetcodeSleep $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $
olcSpSessionlog $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $
shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $
ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
502475bb     1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 (integerBitAndMatch): 502475bb
matchingRuleUse: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 NAME 'integerBitAndMatch' APPLIES (
supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $
olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $
olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $
olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $
olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $
olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $
olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $
olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcDbPort $
olcDbFlag $ olcDbConnections $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $
olcRetcodeSleep $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $
olcSpSessionlog $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $
shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $
ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
502475bb (caseIgnoreIA5Match): 502475bb
matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseIgnoreIA5Match' APPLIES
( altServer $ olcDbConfig $ c $ mail $ dc $ associatedDomain $ email $ aRecord $
mDRecord $ mXRecord $ nSRecord $ sOARecord $ cNAMERecord $ janetMailbox $ gecos
$ homeDirectory $ loginShell $ memberUid $ memberNisNetgroup $ ipHostNumber $
ipNetworkNumber $ ipNetmaskNumber $ macAddress $ bootFile $ nisMapEntry ) )
502475bb (caseExactIA5Match): 502475bb
matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseExactIA5Match' APPLIES (
altServer $ olcDbConfig $ c $ mail $ dc $ associatedDomain $ email $ aRecord $
mDRecord $ mXRecord $ nSRecord $ sOARecord $ cNAMERecord $ janetMailbox $ gecos
$ homeDirectory $ loginShell $ memberUid $ memberNisNetgroup $ ipHostNumber $
ipNetworkNumber $ ipNetmaskNumber $ macAddress $ bootFile $ nisMapEntry ) )
502475bb (certificateListMatch): 502475bb
(certificateListExactMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME
'certificateListExactMatch' APPLIES ( authorityRevocationList $
certificateRevocationList $ deltaRevocationList ) )
502475bb (certificateMatch): 502475bb
(certificateExactMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME
'certificateExactMatch' APPLIES ( userCertificate $ cACertificate ) )
502475bb (objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch): 502475bb
matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch' APPLIES
( supportedControl $ supportedExtension $ supportedFeatures $ ldapSyntaxes $
supportedApplicationContext ) )
502475bb (integerFirstComponentMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'integerFirstComponentMatch' APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $
entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $
olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $
olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $
olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $
olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $
olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize
$ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $
olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $
olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcDbPort $ olcDbFlag $ olcDbConnections $
olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcSssVlvMax $
olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcSpSessionlog $ mailPreferenceOption
$ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $
shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
502475bb (generalizedTimeOrderingMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse:
( NAME 'generalizedTimeOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( createTimestamp $
modifyTimestamp $ pwdChangedTime $ pwdAccountLockedTime $ pwdFailureTime $
pwdGraceUseTime ) )
502475bb (generalizedTimeMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'generalizedTimeMatch' APPLIES ( createTimestamp $
modifyTimestamp $ pwdChangedTime $ pwdAccountLockedTime $ pwdFailureTime $
pwdGraceUseTime ) )
502475bb (protocolInformationMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'protocolInformationMatch' APPLIES protocolInformation )
502475bb (uniqueMemberMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'uniqueMemberMatch' APPLIES uniqueMember )
502475bb (presentationAddressMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'presentationAddressMatch' APPLIES presentationAddress )
502475bb (telephoneNumberMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'telephoneNumberMatch' APPLIES ( telephoneNumber $ homePhone $
mobile $ pager ) )
502475bb (octetStringOrderingMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'octetStringOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( userPassword $ olcDbCryptKey
$ pwdHistory ) )
502475bb (octetStringMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'octetStringMatch' APPLIES ( userPassword $ olcDbCryptKey $ pwdHistory ) )
502475bb (bitStringMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'bitStringMatch' APPLIES x500UniqueIdentifier )
502475bb (integerOrderingMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'integerOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl
$ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $
olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $
olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $
olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $
olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $
olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize
$ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $
olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $
olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcDbPort $ olcDbFlag $ olcDbConnections $
olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcSssVlvMax $
olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcSpSessionlog $ mailPreferenceOption
$ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $
shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
502475bb (integerMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'integerMatch' APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $
gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $
olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $
olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $
olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $
olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads
$ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $
olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $
olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $
olcDbMaxSize $ olcDbPort $ olcDbFlag $ olcDbConnections $
olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcSssVlvMax $
olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcSpSessionlog $ mailPreferenceOption
$ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $
shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
502475bb (booleanMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'booleanMatch' APPLIES ( hasSubordinates $ olcAddContentAcl $ olcGentleHUP
$ olcHidden $ olcLastMod $ olcMirrorMode $ olcMonitoring $ olcReadOnly $
olcReverseLookup $ olcSyncUseSubentry $ olcDbChecksum $ olcDbNoSync $
olcDbDirtyRead $ olcDbLinearIndex $ olcDbRebindAsUser $ olcDbChaseReferrals $
olcDbProxyWhoAmI $ olcDbSingleConn $ olcDbUseTemporaryConn $
olcDbSessionTrackingRequest $ olcDbNoRefs $ olcDbNoUndefFilter $
olcChainCacheURI $ olcChainReturnError $ olcDbBindAllowed $
olcPerlFilterSearchResults $ olcAccessLogSuccess $ olcDDSstate $
olcMemberOfRefInt $ pwdReset $ olcPPolicyHashCleartext $
olcPPolicyForwardUpdates $ olcPPolicyUseLockout $ olcPcachePersist $
olcPcacheValidate $ olcPcacheOffline $ olcRetcodeInDir $ olcRwmNormalizeMapped $
olcRwmDropUnrequested $ olcSpNoPresent $ olcSpReloadHint $ olcTranslucentStrict
$ olcTranslucentNoGlue $ olcTranslucentBindLocal $ olcTranslucentPwModLocal $
olcUniqueStrict ) )
502475bb (caseIgnoreListMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseIgnoreListMatch' APPLIES ( postalAddress $ registeredAddress
$ homePostalAddress ) )
502475bb (numericStringOrderingMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'numericStringOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( x121Address $
internationaliSDNNumber ) )
502475bb (numericStringMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'numericStringMatch' APPLIES ( x121Address $ internationaliSDNNumber ) )
502475bb (caseExactSubstringsMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseExactSubstringsMatch' APPLIES ( serialNumber $
destinationIndicator $ dnQualifier ) )
502475bb (caseExactOrderingMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseExactOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $
vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $
olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $
olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $
olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $
olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $
olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $
olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash
$ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $
olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $
olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $
olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $
olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $
olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $
olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $
olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize
$ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $
olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $
olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $
olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $
olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbHost $
olcDbName $ olcDbUser $ olcDbPass $ olcDbSocket $ olcDbConnect $ olcNdbAttrLen $
olcNdbAttrSet $ olcNdbAttrBlob $ olcPasswdFile $ olcPerlModule $
olcPerlModulePath $ olcPerlModuleConfig $ olcShellBind $ olcShellUnbind $
olcShellSearch $ olcShellCompare $ olcShellModify $ olcShellModRDN $ olcShellAdd
$ olcShellDelete $ olcOvSocketOps $ olcOvSocketResps $ olcDbSocketPath $
olcDbSocketExtensions $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $
olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcCollectInfo $
olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $
olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcDGAttrPair $ olcDlAttrSet $
olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $
olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset
$ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRefintAttribute $
olcRetcodeItem $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcSpCheckpoint $
olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcUniqueIgnore $
olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $
serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $
postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $
givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $
dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $
userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $
documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus
$ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense
$ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $
preferredLanguage $ cmmac $ cmipadd $ servicelevel $ startdate $ enddate $ cmuid
$ cmext1 $ cmext2 $ cmext3 $ cmext4 $ cmext5 $ cmext6 $ cmext7 $ cmext8 $ cmext9
) )
502475bb (caseExactMatch): 502475bb matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'caseExactMatch' APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $
vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile
$ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $
olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $
olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $
olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $
olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $
olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $
olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $
olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $
olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $
olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $
olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $
olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $
olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $
olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $
olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $
olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $
olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $
olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $
olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $
olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbHost $ olcDbName $ olcDbUser
$ olcDbPass $ olcDbSocket $ olcDbConnect $ olcNdbAttrLen $ olcNdbAttrSet $
olcNdbAttrBlob $ olcPasswdFile $ olcPerlModule $ olcPerlModulePath $
olcPerlModuleConfig $ olcShellBind $ olcShellUnbind $ olcShellSearch $
olcShellCompare $ olcShellModify $ olcShellModRDN $ olcShellAdd $ olcShellDelete
$ olcOvSocketOps $ olcOvSocketResps $ olcDbSocketPath $ olcDbSocketExtensions $
olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $
olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcCollectInfo $ olcConstraintAttribute $
olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $
olcDDStolerance $ olcDGAttrPair $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcMemberOfDangling $
olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $
olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $
olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcRetcodeItem $
olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcSpCheckpoint $
olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcUniqueIgnore $
olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $
serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $
postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $
givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $
dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $
userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $
documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus
$ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense
$ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $
preferredLanguage $ cmmac $ cmipadd $ servicelevel $ startdate $ enddate $ cmuid
$ cmext1 $ cmext2 $ cmext3 $ cmext4 $ cmext5 $ cmext6 $ cmext7 $ cmext8 $ cmext9
) )
502475bc (caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch): 502475bc matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch' APPLIES ( serialNumber $
destinationIndicator $ dnQualifier ) )
502475bc (caseIgnoreOrderingMatch): 502475bc matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch' APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $
vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $
olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $
olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $
olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $
olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $
olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $
olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash
$ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $
olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $
olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $
olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $
olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $
olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $
olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $
olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize
$ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $
olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $
olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $
olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $
olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbHost $
olcDbName $ olcDbUser $ olcDbPass $ olcDbSocket $ olcDbConnect $ olcNdbAttrLen $
olcNdbAttrSet $ olcNdbAttrBlob $ olcPasswdFile $ olcPerlModule $
olcPerlModulePath $ olcPerlModuleConfig $ olcShellBind $ olcShellUnbind $
olcShellSearch $ olcShellCompare $ olcShellModify $ olcShellModRDN $ olcShellAdd
$ olcShellDelete $ olcOvSocketOps $ olcOvSocketResps $ olcDbSocketPath $
olcDbSocketExtensions $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $
olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcCollectInfo $
olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $
olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcDGAttrPair $ olcDlAttrSet $
olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $
olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset
$ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRefintAttribute $
olcRetcodeItem $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcSpCheckpoint $
olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcUniqueIgnore $
olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $
serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $
postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $
givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $
dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $
userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $
documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus
$ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense
$ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $
preferredLanguage $ cmmac $ cmipadd $ servicelevel $ startdate $ enddate $ cmuid
$ cmext1 $ cmext2 $ cmext3 $ cmext4 $ cmext5 $ cmext6 $ cmext7 $ cmext8 $ cmext9
) )
502475bc (caseIgnoreMatch): 502475bc matchingRuleUse: (
NAME 'caseIgnoreMatch' APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $
vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile
$ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $
olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $
olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $
olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $
olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $
olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $
olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $
olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $
olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $
olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $
olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $
olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $
olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $
olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $
olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $
olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $
olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $
olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $
olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $
olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbHost $ olcDbName $ olcDbUser
$ olcDbPass $ olcDbSocket $ olcDbConnect $ olcNdbAttrLen $ olcNdbAttrSet $
olcNdbAttrBlob $ olcPasswdFile $ olcPerlModule $ olcPerlModulePath $
olcPerlModuleConfig $ olcShellBind $ olcShellUnbind $ olcShellSearch $
olcShellCompare $ olcShellModify $ olcShellModRDN $ olcShellAdd $ olcShellDelete
$ olcOvSocketOps $ olcOvSocketResps $ olcDbSocketPath $ olcDbSocketExtensions $
olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $
olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcCollectInfo $ olcConstraintAttribute $
olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $
olcDDStolerance $ olcDGAttrPair $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcMemberOfDangling $
olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $
olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $
olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcRetcodeItem $
olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcSpCheckpoint $
olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcUniqueIgnore $
olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $
serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $
postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $
givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $
dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $
userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $
documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus
$ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense
$ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $
preferredLanguage $ cmmac $ cmipadd $ servicelevel $ startdate $ enddate $ cmuid
$ cmext1 $ cmext2 $ cmext3 $ cmext4 $ cmext5 $ cmext6 $ cmext7 $ cmext8 $ cmext9
) )
502475bc (rdnMatch): 502475bc
(distinguishedNameMatch): 502475bc matchingRuleUse: ( NAME
'distinguishedNameMatch' APPLIES ( creatorsName $ modifiersName $
subschemaSubentry $ entryDN $ namingContexts $ aliasedObjectName $
dynamicSubtrees $ distinguishedName $ seeAlso $ olcDefaultSearchBase $ olcRootDN
$ olcSchemaDN $ olcSuffix $ olcUpdateDN $ olcDbACLAuthcDn $ olcDbIDAssertAuthcDn
$ olcRelay $ olcAccessLogDB $ memberOf $ olcMemberOfDN $ pwdPolicySubentry $
olcPPolicyDefault $ olcRefintNothing $ olcRefintModifiersName $ olcRetcodeParent
$ olcUniqueBase $ member $ owner $ roleOccupant $ manager $ documentAuthor $
secretary $ associatedName $ dITRedirect ) )
502475bc (objectIdentifierMatch): 502475bc matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'objectIdentifierMatch' APPLIES ( supportedControl $
supportedExtension $ supportedFeatures $ supportedApplicationContext ) )
502475bc slapd startup: initiated.
502475bc backend_startup_one: starting "cn=config"
502475bc config_back_db_open
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn=config"
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn=schema"
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn={0}core>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn={0}core>
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn={0}core"
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn={1}cosine>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn={1}cosine>
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn={1}cosine"
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn={2}nis>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn={2}nis>
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn={2}nis"
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn={3}inetorgperson>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn={3}inetorgperson>
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn={3}inetorgperson"
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn={4}cnrldap>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn={4}cnrldap>
502475bc config_build_entry: "cn={4}cnrldap"
502475bc config_build_entry: "olcDatabase={-1}frontend"
502475bc config_build_entry: "olcDatabase={0}config"
502475bc config_build_entry: "olcDatabase={1}ndb"
502475bc config_build_entry: "olcOverlay={0}accesslog"
502475bc config_build_entry: "olcDatabase={2}bdb"
502475bc backend_startup_one: starting "dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn"
502475bc backend_startup_one: starting "cn=auditlog"
502475bc bdb_db_open: database "cn=auditlog": unclean shutdown detected;
attempting recovery.
502475bc bdb_db_open: warning - no DB_CONFIG file found in directory
/usr/local/openldap-2.4.32/var/openldap-data: (14).
Expect poor performance for suffix "cn=auditlog".
502475bc bdb_db_open: database "cn=auditlog":
502475bc bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to
502475bc slapd starting
502475bc bdb_dn2entry("cn=auditlog")
502475bc => bdb_dn2id("cn=auditlog")
502475bc <= bdb_dn2id: get failed: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bc >>> dnNormalize: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
502475bc <<< dnNormalize: <cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn>
*** glibc detected *** slapd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001d68f28 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-0072a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3962485                           
0092a000-0093d000 rw-p 0032a000 fd:00 3962485                           
0093d000-009fd000 rw-p 0093d000 00:00 0 
01ae8000-01ead000 rw-p 01ae8000 00:00 0                                  [heap]
4052d000-4052e000 ---p 4052d000 00:00 0 
4052e000-40f2e000 rw-p 4052e000 00:00 0 
41197000-41198000 ---p 41197000 00:00 0 
41198000-411b8000 rw-p 41198000 00:00 0 
411b8000-411b9000 ---p 411b8000 00:00 0 
411b9000-411d9000 rw-p 411b9000 00:00 0 
411d9000-411da000 ---p 411d9000 00:00 0 
411da000-411fa000 rw-p 411da000 00:00 0 
411fa000-411fb000 ---p 411fa000 00:00 0 
411fb000-4121b000 rw-p 411fb000 00:00 0 
4121b000-4121c000 ---p 4121b000 00:00 0 
4121c000-4123c000 rw-p 4121c000 00:00 0 
416c0000-416c1000 ---p 416c0000 00:00 0 
416c1000-41ec1000 rw-p 416c1000 00:00 0 
3f81c00000-3f81c1c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65784                         
3f81e1b000-3f81e1c000 r--p 0001b000 fd:00 65784                         
3f81e1c000-3f81e1d000 rw-p 0001c000 fd:00 65784                         
3f82000000-3f8214e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65785                         
3f8214e000-3f8234d000 ---p 0014e000 fd:00 65785                         
3f8234d000-3f82351000 r--p 0014d000 fd:00 65785                         
3f82351000-3f82352000 rw-p 00151000 fd:00 65785                         
3f82352000-3f82357000 rw-p 3f82352000 00:00 0 
3f82400000-3f82402000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65786                         
3f82402000-3f82602000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 65786                         
3f82602000-3f82603000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 65786                         
3f82603000-3f82604000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 65786                         
3f82800000-3f82882000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65790                         
3f82882000-3f82a81000 ---p 00082000 fd:00 65790                         
3f82a81000-3f82a82000 r--p 00081000 fd:00 65790                         
3f82a82000-3f82a83000 rw-p 00082000 fd:00 65790                         
3f82c00000-3f82c16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65792                         
3f82c16000-3f82e15000 ---p 00016000 fd:00 65792                         
3f82e15000-3f82e16000 r--p 00015000 fd:00 65792                         
3f82e16000-3f82e17000 rw-p 00016000 fd:00 65792                         
3f82e17000-3f82e1b000 rw-p 3f82e17000 00:00 0 
3f83000000-3f83007000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65793                         
3f83007000-3f83207000 ---p 00007000 fd:00 65793                         
3f83207000-3f83208000 r--p 00007000 fd:00 65793                         
3f83208000-3f83209000 rw-p 00008000 fd:00 65793                         
3f83400000-3f83403000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65640                         
3f83403000-3f83603000 ---p 00003000 fd:00 65640                         
3f83603000-3f83604000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 65640                         
3f83800000-3f83815000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65799                         
3f83815000-3f83a15000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 65799                         
3f83a15000-3f83a17000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 65799                         
3f83a17000-3f83a18000 rw-p 3f83a17000 00:00 0 
3f83c00000-3f83c3b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65798                         
3f83c3b000-3f83e3b000 ---p 0003b000 fd:00 65798                         
3f83e3b000-3f83e3c000 rw-p 0003b000 fd:00 65798                         
3f83e3c000-3f83e46000 rw-p 3f83e3c000 00:00 0 
3f84000000-3f8412b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3274780                       
3f8412b000-3f8432b000 ---p 0012b000 fd:00 3274780                       
3f8432b000-3f84334000 rw-p 0012b000 fd:00 3274780                       
3f84334000-3f84336000 rw-p 3f84334000 00:00 0 
3f84400000-3f84409000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65800                         
3f84409000-3f84608000 ---p 00009000 fd:00 65800                         
3f84608000-3f84609000 r--p 00008000 fd:00 65800                         
3f84609000-3f8460a000 rw-p 00009000 fd:00 65800                         
3f8460a000-3f84638000 rw-p 3f8460a000 00:00 0 
3f85800000-3f85815000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65663                         
3f85815000-3f85a14000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 65663                         
3f85a14000-3f85a15000 r--p 00014000 fd:00 65663                         
3f85a15000-3f85a16000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 65663                         
3f85a16000-3f85a18000 rw-p 3f85a16000 00:00 0 
3f86800000-3f868e6000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3130355                       
3f868e6000-3f86ae5000 ---p 000e6000 fd:00 3130355                       
3f86ae5000-3f86aeb000 r--p 000e5000 fd:00 3130355                       
3f86aeb000-3f86aee000 rw-p 000eb000 fd:00 3130355                       
3f86aee000-3f86b00000 rw-p 3f86aee000 00:00 0 
3f89000000-3f89011000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65802                         
3f89011000-3f89211000 ---p 00011000 fd:00 65802                         
3f89211000-3f89212000 r--p 00011000 fd:00 65802                         
3f89212000-3f89213000 rw-p 00012000 fd:00 65802                         
3f89213000-3f89215000 rw-p 3f89213000 00:00 0 
3f89400000-3f89402000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65804                         
3f89402000-3f89601000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 65804                         
3f89601000-3f89602000 rw-p 00001000 fd:00 65804                         
3f8b000000-3f8b12d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65801                         
3f8b12d000-3f8b32c000 ---p 0012d000 fd:00 65801                         
3f8b32c000-3f8b34d000 rw-p 0012c000 fd:00 65801                         
3f8b34d000-3f8b351000 rw-p 3f8b34d000 00:00 0 
3f8c400000-3f8c491000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3130374                       
3f8c491000-3f8c691000 ---p 00091000 fd:00 3130374                       
3f8c691000-3f8c695000 rw-p 00091000 fd:00 3130374                       
3f8c800000-3f8c824000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3130373                       
3f8c824000-3f8ca23000 ---p 00024000 fd:00 3130373                       
3f8ca23000-3f8ca25000 rw-p 00023000 fd:00 3130373                       
3f8cc00000-3f8cc02000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65803                         
3f8cc02000-3f8ce01000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 65803                         
3f8ce01000-3f8ce02000 rw-p 00001000 fd:00 65803                         
3f8dc00000-3f8dc08000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3130372                       
3f8dc08000-3f8de07000 ---p 00008000 fd:00 3130372                       
3f8de07000-3f8de08000 rw-p 00007000 fd:00 3130372                       
3f91200000-3f9122c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3130375                       
3f9122c000-3f9142c000 ---p 0002c000 fd:00 3130375                       
3f9142c000-3f9142e000 rw-p 0002c000 fd:00 3130375                       
3f91e00000-3f91e46000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65531                         
3f91e46000-3f92046000 ---p 00046000 fd:00 65531                         
3f92046000-3f9204c000 rw-p 00046000 fd:00 65531                         
3f92200000-3f92202000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65810                         
3f92202000-3f92401000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 65810                         
3f92401000-3f92402000 r--p 00001000 fd:00 65810                         
3f92402000-3f92403000 rw-p 00002000 fd:00 65810                         
2aaaaaaab000-2aaaab3a0000 rw-p 2aaaaaaab000 00:00 0 
2aaaab3a0000-2aaaab3a6000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962498                   
2aaaab3a6000-2aaaac478000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962499                   
2aaaac478000-2aaac047a000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962500                   
2aaac047a000-2aaac06ba000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962501                   
2aaac06ba000-2aaac077e000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962502                   
2aaac077e000-2aaac0786000 rw-s 00000000 fd:00 3962503                   
2b53b42db000-2b53b42dc000 rw-p 2b53b42db000 00:00 0 
2b53b42ed000-2b53b42ee000 rw-p 2b53b42ed000 00:00 0 
2b53b42ee000-2b53b445a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 7370254                   
2b53b445a000-2b53b465a000 ---p 0016c000 fd:00 7370254                   
2b53b465a000-2b53b465f000 rw-p 0016c000 fd:00 7370254                   
2b53b465f000-2b53b476f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 5827230                   
2b53b476f000-2b53b486e000 ---p 00110000 fd:00 5827230                   
2b53b486e000-2b53b498e000 rw-p 0010f000 fd:00 5827230                   
2b53b498e000-2b53b4991000 rw-p 2b53b498e000 00:00 0 
2b53b4991000-2b53b4bf0000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 5827221                   
2b53b4bf0000-2b53b4cef000 ---p 0025f000 fd:00 5827221                   
2b53b4cef000-2b53b4e23000 rw-p 0025e000 fd:00 5827221                   
2b53b4e23000-2b53b4e2d000 rw-p 2b53b4e23000 00:00 0 
2b53b4e2d000-2b53b4e45000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3121387                   
2b53b4e45000-2b53b5045000 ---p 00018000 fd:00 3121387                   
2b53b5045000-2b53b5046000 rw-p 00018000 fd:00 3121387                   
2b53b5046000-2b53b5047000 rw-p 2b53b5046000 00:00 0 
2b53b5047000-2b53b5054000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65791                     
2b53b5054000-2b53b5254000 ---p 0000d000 fd:00 65791                     
2b53b5254000-2b53b5255000 rw-p 0000d000 fd:00 65791                     
2b53b5255000-2b53b5257000 rw-p 2b53b5255000 00:00 0 
2b53b5257000-2b53b526b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 3117678                   
2b53b526b000-2b53b546a000 ---p 00014000 fd:00 3117678                   
2b53b546a000-2b53b546b000 rw-p 00013000 fd:00 3117678                   
2b53b546b000-2b53b5470000 rw-p 2b53b546b000 00:00 0 
2b53b5470000-2b53b547a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65499                     
2b53b547a000-2b53b5679000 ---p 0000a000 fd:00 65499                     
2b53b5679000-2b53b567a000 r--p 00009000 fd:00 65499                     
2b53b567a000-2b53b567b000 rw-p 0000a000 fd:00 65499                     
2b53b567b000-2b53b567f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 65497                     
2b53b567f000-2b53b587e000 ---p 00004000 fd:00 65497                     
2b53b587e000-2b53b587f000 r--p 00003000 fd:00 65497                     

my slapd.conf:
# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
# This file should NOT be world readable.
allow bind_v2

include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/cnrldap.schema

# Define global ACLs to disable default read access.

# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
# service AND an understanding of referrals.

pidfile         /var/run/slapd.pid
argsfile        /var/run/slapd.args
#loglevel        stats sync
#loglevel        -1
#loglevel trace args conns BER stats stats2
#loglevel        1

idletimeout 120
sizelimit unlimited
timelimit 1800

# Load dynamic backend modules:
 modulepath     /usr/local/openldap-2.4.21/libexec/openldap
 moduleload     back_bdb.la
 moduleload     accesslog.la
# moduleload    back_hdb.la
# moduleload    back_ldap.la

# Sample security restrictions
#       Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
#       Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
#       Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
# security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64

# Sample access control policy:
#       Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
#       Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
#       Other DSEs:
#               Allow self write access
#               Allow authenticated users read access
#               Allow anonymous users to authenticate
#       Directives needed to implement policy:
# access to dn.base="" by * read
# access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read
# access to *
#       by self write
#       by users read
#       by anonymous auth
# if no access controls are present, the default policy
# allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
# updates to rootdn.  (e.g., "access to * by * read")
# rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!

# BDB database definitions

database        ndb
suffix          "dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn"
rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn"
rootpw          ghwl
directory       /usr/local/openldap/var/openldap-data
dbname          bgctv
dbuser          bgctv
dbpass          ghwl_h0
dbconnections   1
overlay accesslog
logdb "cn=auditlog"
logops writes
logold (objectclass=*)

#dbname          auditlog
#dbuser          bgctv
#dbpass          ghwl_h0
#dbconnections   1

access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
        by anonymous auth
        by self write
        by * none
access to dn.sub="ou=cm,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn"
        by dn="userid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn" write
        by anonymous auth
        by * none
access to *
        by dn="userid=cmadmin,dc=bgctv,dc=net,dc=cn" read
        by * none

database        bdb
suffix          "cn=auditlog"
index reqStart eq