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(ITS#5919) URI syntaxe (ldap:///dc=my%2cdc=domaine)

Full_Name: Philippe EYCHART
Version: 2.4.13
OS: slack12
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

The "tool_conn_setup" function (in common.c) autorise the Url synthaxe
"ldap:///dc=my%2cdc=domaine"; which produce a SRV request to find the best server
to request (not yet according the rfc 2782 - I've made dnssrv.c patch to
implement priorities and I try to implement weight before submit this work). So,
the client tools - ldapsearch, ldapadd, ... permit this syntaxe (via
"ldap_dn2domain" and "ldap_domain2hostlist" functions).

Unfortunately, ldap_initialize() doesn't use these functions (but only
ldap_url_parselist_ext()) and doesn't allow this synthaxe. So, other packages
(like SAMBA) doesn't enjoy this capability : "passdb backend =
ldapsam:ldap:///dc=my%2cdc=domain"; according a SRV definition
"_ldap._tcp.my.domain. IN SRV ..."

Is there any reason for that ? Can we envisage to increase this possibility ?