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Re: bug in liblutil.a library (ITS#505)

>A problem in libraries/liblutil/passwd.c file, function lutil_passwd (cred,
>Not only passwd can be hashed already. cred can be hashed too.

No.  The user (client) must provide the true credentials.  To
due otherwise would create a significant security hole.

>I have changed this function for SHA-1 similar as the follows:
>        } else if (strncasecmp(passwd, "{SHA}",sizeof("{SHA}") - 1) == 0 ) {
>                lutil_SHA1_CTX SHA1context;
>                unsigned char SHA1digest[20];
>                char base64digest[29];  /* ceiling(sizeof(input)/3) * 4 + 1 */
>                const char *p = passwd + (sizeof("{SHA}") - 1);
>/*added*/       if (strncasecmp(cred, "{SHA}",sizeof("{SHA}") - 1) != 0 ) {
>                   lutil_SHA1Init(&SHA1context);
>                   lutil_SHA1Update(&SHA1context,
>                                (const unsigned char *) cred, strlen(cred));
>                   lutil_SHA1Final(SHA1digest, &SHA1context);
>                   if (lutil_b64_ntop(SHA1digest, sizeof(SHA1digest),
>                        base64digest, sizeof(base64digest)) < 0)
>                   {
>                        return ( 1 );
>                   }
>/* added down */
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                   if (sizeof (cred) < 35)
>                      strcpy (base64digest, (cred + (sizeof("{SHA}") - 1)));
>                   else
>                      return (1);
>                }
>/* added end */
>                return( strcmp(p, base64digest) );