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Re: what is the correct return code for an incomplete entry

As I recall, a similar scenario was discussed during the process of developing RFC 2251. This discussion related to the fact that access control considerations might prohibit some of the attributes of an entry being returned to a LDAP client. In this case, there was some consideration about returning a special result code indicating that there was more to the entry than was returned. Obviously from the resulting document, it was decided that this was a normal situation, and no special result code should be returned. Is this similar to your scenario?


At 11:26 AM 5/18/2001 -0400, Ken Morgan wrote:
We have a scenario in which the results of a single entry search can be an
incomplete entry,  where some of the attributes of the entry cannot be
from the server's data repository due to some internal constraints.  We
want the
server to return the incomplete entry, but do not know what return code to
use to signal that the entry is not complete ( X.511 uses an
boolean flag within the EntryInformation returned by the server to indicate
this condition).  We considered adminLimitExceeded, but we're not
convinced that applies  - its description in X.511 seems to indicate that
partial results are returned to the user.

Any advice on how this scenario should be handled?


Ken Morgan
IBM S/390 LDAP Development

============================================== Bruce Greenblatt, Ph. D. Directory Tools and Application Services, Inc. http://www.directory-applications.com