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Re: syncprov overlay and autogroup

--On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 5:50 PM +0100 Martin Pittamitz <martin@pittamitz.at> wrote:

Good day

I have recently added a syncprov configuration and consumer node to our
OpenLDAP setup. On our master we use the overlays "memberOf" and

Hi Martin,

As documented, memberOf is not compatible with syncrepl based replication. Additionally, based on what I've read of the autogroup overlay, I would say the following:

autogroup is not usable in an MMR environment.

autogroup is probably only usable in a replicated environment where there is a single provider and it is only configured on the provider (i.e., not configured on the consumers at all) and without memberOf. I'm not sure how it behaves with delta-syncrepl (i.e., what operations it logs in the change database). It may or may not be compatible for that configuration.

Hope that helps!



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: