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Re: overlay unique

On 5/14/19 8:03 PM, A. Schulze wrote:
> I've a openldap master and numerous sync replica servers running. I'm
> suspect my master contain mail attributes that aren't unique. My idea
> was to build an other sync replica with unique overlay enabled. The
> 'empty' sync replica will fetch data from master and complain about
> values that aren't unique. I would discard that replica, correct the
> master database and start replication again until replication
> succeed.>
> But then there was reality :-/
> I placed an deliberately none-unique value in my database but
> replication did not fail. The replica did contain two DNs with
> "mail=none-unique@example.test".

IIRC slapo-unique and slapo-constraint are not triggered for replicated

BTW: IMHO your approach is much too heavy-weight anyway. A simple Python
script running locally on your OpenLDAP server is not much work and
consumes less ressources.

Ciao, Michael.

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