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Help to understand "Paged results cookie is invalid"

Good morning,

I'm connecting to an OpenLdap through a JNDI client [1] and I "randomly" get this error:

[LDAP: error code 2 - paged results cookie is invalid];

I suppose that the problem is related to multiple clients connecting to the LDAP with the same credentials (the same user), since the cookie is somehow related the user.
Moreover since two different clients (different machines and IPs) are connecting simultaneously they invalidate the cookie to each other.

Googling a bit and looking at the reference [1] and documentation I did not find something that confirm my thesis.

Are my assumptions right or I'm misunderstanding the problem?
If right, if there are multiple connections from the same client (same machine and IP) does OpenLdap manage this situation? I suppose (obviously) so, but asking anyway :)

Thanks in advance,

[1] https://github.com/Tirasa/ConnIdLDAPBundle/blob/net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap-1.5.2/src/main/java/net/tirasa/connid/bundles/ldap/search/PagedSearchStrategy.java#L123
[2] http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2696.html

Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

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