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Re: openldap proxy to kerberos

On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 04:18:36PM -0500, vadud3@gmail.com wrote:
> I am using openldap proxy today with ldap backend. 
> Any suggestions on how to use kerberos as the backend?

Kerberos only has infomation necessary for authentication; like principals
and policies. LDAP stores much more, such as group memberships, numerical
uids, home directories, etc. So normally people use both LDAP and Kerberos,
not Kerberos alone. There are 3 ways that Kerberos and LDAP can work

1, LDAP can use Kerberos to authenicate (bind) access
2, LDAP can forward authentication request to kerberos via SASL
3, Kerberos can use LDAP as a database backend

In my organization we are using 1 and 2, but not 3. I think Microsoft AD also
does something similiar under the hood.