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Re: new attribute

On 03/13/18 12:40 +0100, Alexander Schwarz wrote:
I tried to create a new objectclass and a new attribute to develop scripts
to use against an ActiveDirectory.


attributetype ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.221
      NAME 'sAMAccountName'
      EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
      SYNTAX ''

objectclass ( 1.2.840.113556.1.5.9
       NAME 'user'
       DESC 'a user'
       SUP inetOrgPerson STRUCTURAL
       MUST ( cn )
       MAY ( sAMAccountName ) )

This is included in slapd.conf:
include         ./schema/test.schema

dn: cn=test test,ou=Benutzer,ou=Netzwerk,dc=network,dc=de
changetype: modify
add: sAMAccountName
sAMAccountName: test

I used the ldapmodify tool:
ldapmodify -a -x -D "cn=admin,dc=network,dc=de" -w passwd -H ldap:// -f

Eintrag cn=test test,ou=Benutzer,ou=Netzwerk,dc=network,dc=de wird geändert
ldap_modify: Objektklassenverletzung
ldap_modify: Zusätzliche Info: attribute 'sAMAccountName' not allowed

Have you added the 'user' object class to the 'cn=test test' entry?

Dan White