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Re: [Q] can I replicate several branches to the same slave from one master?

Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@symas.com> wrote:
> > emm ... I was sure I can not do that on the master side ... just I try
> > do that, I receive full data ...
> Then likely your ACLs were incorrect?
yes, they were

at last I was able to fix that and get it working the way (I believe) I want:

---[ slave configuration quotation start ]-------------------------------------------
syncrepl rid=0
---[ slave configuration quotation end   ]-------------------------------------------

---[ master configuration quotation start ]-------------------------------------------
access to dn.children="cn=example-accesslog"
       by dn.one="ou=repl,ou=system,dc=example" read
       by * break

access to dn.regex="^uid=(.*)@(.*),authorizedService=(mail|xmpp)@(.*),uid=(.*),ou=People,dc=example$"
       by dn.exact="uid=replABC,ou=repl,ou=system,dc=example" read
       by * break

access to dn.regex="ou=ABC,ou=Sendmail,dc=example|ou=ABC,ou=DHCP,dc=example"
       by dn.exact="uid=replABC,ou=repl,ou=system,dc=example" read
       by * stop
# the final ACL
access to *
        by set="[cn=admin,ou=group,dc=example]/memberUid & user/uid" write
	by peername.ip= read
	by self read
	by users search
	by * break
---[ master configuration quotation end   ]-------------------------------------------

thank you all, for help!

Zeus V. Panchenko				jid:zeus@im.ibs.dn.ua
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC					  GMT+2 (EET)