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Re: Unable to do ldapsearch, but testsaslauthd works in OpenLDAP 2.4

--On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 8:00 PM +0000 Ravi K Althuru <ralthuru@yahoo.com> wrote:

We recently installed a new instance of OpenLDAP 2.4.23 running on RedHat
Linux 6

That release is nearly 6 years old. You can contact RedHat for support for any issues you have with it. Otherwise, go the path of sanity and clarity, and run a modern current release. You may want to check out the LTB project builds (<http://ltb-project.org/wiki/download#openldap>), or if you want builds of OpenLDAP that come with support, I would suggest contacting Symas (http://www.symas.com)



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
A division of Synacor, Inc