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Re: LDAP ldapsearch filter: return uidNumber if person has sub ou=mail

Am 24.01.15 um 18:04 schrieb Michael Ströder:
Leander Schäfer wrote:
I'm trying to construct a ldap filter for my Dovecot/Postfix setup which acts
as the example pseudo code & result below:

|return uidNumber OF objectClass=posixAccount IF they have a ou=mail AND the
mailAddress in this ou=mail IS EQUAL to test@Mydomain.TLD
# User-1, people, Mydomain.TLD
dn: uid=||User-1,ou=people,dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD
uidNumber: 2110


More specific like this while %s holds e.g.: test@Mydomain.TLD:

|search_base = dc=Mydomain,dc=TLD
query_filter = ( &(objectClass=posixAccount)(ou=mail)(mailAddress=%s) )
result_attribute = uidNumber

But obviously uidNumber is being hold by the posixAccount container one level
above - and therewith it won't display what I want. Unfortunately I couldn't
figure out how to get it work. My LDAP structure looks like this:

=> dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD
==> ou=People
===> uid=User-1
====> uidNumber=4035
====> ou=mail
=====> mailAddress=test@Mydomain.TLD
===> uid=User-2

Any help would be greatly apprecitated
This won't work.

Can you please explain why your data is so complicated?
What's the rationale of having even a separate tree if mail address entries?

Ciao, Michael.

Hi Michael

the structure is everything else then complex - the query/filter is the one which is :) The entire idea is, that each user can have several mail addresses. Yes, therefore I could use the mail attribute within the user itself BUT if I would set an alias in the user, then it would also affect ALL related mail=* addresses of the user. This is not good, since the user may only want to have an alias for certain addresses while others not. So in order to control each email address on its own, I decided to create a sub container named ou=mail under each user in where I put email hosting related information.

To prevent my current problem, I could simply provide uidNumber and gidNumber a second time. But since the posixAccount above ou=mail is holding this information, why should I provide it redundant?!

So I have decided that the mail attribute within the user account is used for general contact information about this person. Meanwhile the mailAddress attribute of my own mail.schema is there to represent one or more mailaccounts of this person.

I attached an example of how I would add users and their mail accounts below:

# ========================================================== #

# Adding posix User Account

This is how I would add a regular user to the LDAP DB:

cat << EOF > ./add_user.ldif
dn:              uid=User-1,ou=people,dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD
objectClass:     top
objectClass:     person
objectClass:     inetOrgPerson
objectClass:     posixAccount
objectClass:     shadowAccount
uidNumber:       2001
gidNumber:       2001
homeDirectory:   /home/User-1
loginShell:      /usr/local/bin/bash
uid:             User-1
userPassword:    TopSecretPassword
displayName:     User-1
givenName:       User-1
mail:            SomeMail@SomeDomain.TLD
telephoneNumber: 0123456
cn:              User-1
sn:              Surname
o:               Some Corporation
jpegPhoto:<      file://Picture.jpg

# Adding ou=mail

Then I would add the User-1's mail container which holds all mail hosting relevant information.

cat << EOF > ./add_users_mail_container.ldif
dn: ou=mail,uid=User-1,ou=people,dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: mail

# Adding Mail Accounts

And now I add mail accounts into the ou=mail container. The idea is, that this could be repeated several times with different mailAddress:

cat << EOF > /add_users_mail_account.ldif
dn: mailAddress=test@Mydomain.TLD,ou=mail,uid=User-1,ou=people,dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD
objectclass: mailAccount
mailAddress: test@Mydomain.TLD
MailPassword: {SSHA}TopSecretPasswordHash
MailAccountStatus: active
mailStorageDirectory: /home/User-1/mail
#mailAlias: NONE
mailDelivery: dovecot
mailSizeMax: 10240
mailReplyText: Nothing to reply here
mailQuotaSize: 10240
mailQuotaCount: 0
mailservice: smtp
mailservice: pop3
mailservice: imap
mailservice: managesieve

# ========================================================== #

Best Regards,