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ldappasswd usage problems

I'm having problems setting passwords with ldappasswd. It keeps
failing with a usage message. I've tried a bunch of different
arrangements of the command line arguments, but it keeps giving me a
usage message. Here's an example:

ldappasswd -s some_password \
 -x -H ldapi:/// \
 -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -y secret.txt \

During one of my attempts I followed the order specified in the man
page. That didn't work either. I'm using the packaged (ldap-utils /
2.4.28-1.1ubuntu4.4) ldappasswd on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS. The specific
ldappasswd version follows:

$ ldappasswd -VV
ldappasswd: @(#) $OpenLDAP: ldappasswd  (Sep 19 2013 22:39:03) $
(LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20428)

I'm feeling kind of stuck on this. I'm probably missing something
silly. Any suggestions?

