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Re : RE24 testing call (2.4.40)


I have tested with success the rev 55eddb0 on an RHEL 5.3 x86_64. I also copy a small test file (starting from a copy of the 051) in order to check if the new code correct the ITS#7822 "Segmentation fault while modifying olcDbMaxSize". The test file (see attachment) succeed like this :

# ./run -b mdb test065-config-update    
Cleaning up test run directory leftover from previous run.
Running ./scripts/test065-config-update for mdb...
running defines.sh
Running slapadd to build slapd database...
Starting slapd on TCP/IP port 9011...
Check the olcDbMaxSize
dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
olcDbMaxSize: 10485760

Dynamically updating the olcDbMaxSize

Re-check the olcDbMaxSize
dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
olcDbMaxSize: 123456789

>>>>> Test succeeded

While if i run the same test on release 2.4.39 and older it fail with a seg fault. I'm not sure that this is a good test for future release of openldap but if you agree, the ITS#7822 could be closed if release 2.4.40 of openldap has the same behavior :-).

Thanks a lot,

Le 11/08/14 20:58, Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@zimbra.com> a écrit :
If you know how to build OpenLDAP manually, and would like to participate in testing the next set of code for the 2.4.39 release, please do so.

Generally, get the code for RE24:


Configure & build.

Execute the test suite (via make test) after it is built.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Server Architect
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration


Frederic Poisson

Attachment: test065-config-update
Description: Binary data