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RE: password policy module memory leaks / excessive replication?

> From: Quanah Gibson-Mount
> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 7:22 PM
> I would suggest (if you haven't) enabling sync replication logging
> (loglevel sync) in addition to whatever other loglevels you have.  I've
> found it is possible to send MMR into an endless loop in some cases
> recently.  I'm still working on the reproduction case for it, but it
> happens 100% of the time for a client of ours eventually.

Ouch. By any chance, does your client use the password policy module? I've
never had a problem like this until I started testing with it in my
development instance.

I've enabled the additional logging level and reset my testing to the
beginning, and will see if it does it again. When it happens to your client
in production, how do you resolve it?
