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Re: how to get list of valid attributes

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On 02/18/2014 08:43 PM, Umar Draz wrote:
> HI All
> I want a list of valid attributes for specific objectClass e.g.
> I have a user abc with the dn of this user is
> cn=Abc User,ou=accounts,dc=mydom,dc=com
> the abc user has these object classes
> posixAccount shadowAccount OrginizatinalPerson yubikeyUser
> now I want to get the valid schema attribute of yubikeyUser for
> only the above mentioned user.
> Is this possible?
> Umar

I used to do this against older OpenLDAP servers:
ldapsearch -x -s base -H <URI-TO-HOST> -D <ADMIN-DN> -W \
	-b "cn=subschema" -LLL objectClasses
this gave me a list of all object classes with their MAY and MUST

It does not seem to work against newer systems... but haven't


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