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Playing around after discussing with one of our programmers, we discovered that someone had installed numerous Berkeley DB flavors both from source and rpm (installed in /usr/lib64 and /lib64)??!!

Modifying my LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look in the /usr/local/berkeleydb/lib folder first, I got further...now, it is bombing out with the following:

checking if Berkeley DB version supported by BDB/HDB backends... yes
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb-4.6)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb46)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb-46)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb-4-6)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb-4)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb4)... no
checking for Berkeley DB link (-ldb)... no

I had the following set up:
LIBS="-ldb -ldb-4.6 -ldb46 -ldb-4 -ldb-4-6 -lgcc_s"
export LIBS

But, this was causing the gcc to not be found.

Any suggestions?

-----Original Message-----
From: openldap-technical-bounces@OpenLDAP.org [mailto:openldap-technical-bounces@OpenLDAP.org] On Behalf Of Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:23 PM
To: Borresen, John - 0442 - MITLL; openldap-technical@openldap.org

--On Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:57 PM -0500 "Borresen, John - 0442 - MITLL" <John.Borresen@ll.mit.edu> wrote:

> Attempting to upgrade to OpenLDAP 2.4.38
> Receiving the following output :

./configure: line 5788: gcc: command not found

Seems like it can't find gcc.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Architect - Server
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration